Charity Cycle on Saturday 23rd May 2020 from Ballyboden to Blessington

By Kate O Reilly
Jan 21, 2020 - 12:33:02 PM

Charity Cycle on Saturday 23rd May 2020 from Ballyboden St Enda’s - Blessington Loop (115k) OR Novice route (35k)


“Raglan Rollers” is a Dublin/Wicklow 2020 Cycle Event set up by the family of Peter O’Reilly to fund raise to honour his life and to raise money for St James Hospital BLOOD CANCER RESEARCH and to promote LYMPHOMA SYMPTOM AWARENESS in an attempt to prevent other families experiencing the same devastation we experienced on the journey of diagnosis September 2017 to death from Lymphoma in just over six months later on the 20th of March 2018.

Unfortunately, Peter had earlier in the year been misdiagnosed as the rash that was irritating him was deemed to be a skin condition. This lost valuable potential treatment time and is why Symptom Awareness is of such importance to this campaign.

The event is set to be a great celebration of cycling & Dublin with plenty of challenging hills and fabulous scenery for the experienced riders and a gentler ride for short cycle enthusiasts.

• Ballyboden St Enda’s GAA Club will be the base for Start/Finish and we will have a music celebration planned there for the same night with all of Peter’s musician friends.
• Cycle Superstore is on-board as technical support partner
• All moneys raised to St James Hospital Charity Blood Cancer Research and Awareness of Lymphoma symptoms

Registration Fee –
• Early Bird Option for a cycling Ireland Member €35- , for non-cycling club members €40
• After the 17th of March: Cycle Ireland member €40, Non-Cycle Ireland member €45


If you require additional information please feel free to contact me at any stage or visit our website page or follow us on Facebook, Raglan Rollers Peter O Reilly.